Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fear to Trust, Fear to Feel, Fear to Dream, Fear to fall in Love again…

 “Hi! I'm so sorry for being late”, she said.
“Hi… finally you have come and its fine, I'm not tired of waiting”, he replied.
“Aww, sentu-ram”, she laughed.
“So, you are kind of still in manhole?” he chuckled.
“Seriously, I came all the way long so that you could make fun of me.”
“No no, just kidding…”
Well, in our busy life it often happens that we become good friends with someone who had been just an acquaintance in the past. It’s more like we hardly had noticed that person and then all of a sudden he becomes your closest buddy. They might not be your best friend but still you can share your thoughts with them without any hesitation. Ved and Aliya, they were school friends; they had been knowing each-other for quite a long time. They never thought of becoming each-others’ friend but maybe it was their Destiny that they became closest of friends through the silly social networking site. They hardly talk over the phone or chat or meet up but still they can share their thoughts without any irresolution.
“Anyway, so when are you going to confess your love?” Aliya winked.
“I don't know, actually I don't want to…”
“You know the reason”, he said.
“No I don’t know”, she winked again. “Oh! C’mon, seriously!!! Huh!!!”
“C’mon, if you don’t  knock the door then how on earth will u get to know  if there is someone in the house or not, so go ahead and knock the door”, she advised.
“But I’m near the window and I can hear voices, I know she is out there and I know what’s going on inside.”
“Really, oh… so explain what’s there in her head. Actually it’s an awesome power or something you got of reading minds.” She said ironically. “If you are so capable of reading minds then do let me know what’s going on in our Prime Minister’s head, actually it’s something which everyone is interested to know.”
“It’s so easy to give an opinion but it is really hard…”
“What is so hard in proposing a girl? C’mon I thought army people or the defense forces got the toughest job to do.”
“Look, Purvi recently got through a heartbreak, I don't want to freak her out”, he said.
“It’s been a year and moreover you are her best-friend, I don't think she will mind…”
“You proposed your best friend and you lost the friendship…”
“Yes, I proposed to him and I lost him. It was my fault, I was too weak to continue the friendship after our breakup and he also didn't try to stop me. You are unlike me and not weak either…”
“You don't know me”, he said.
“Oh! Really???”
“Then fuck off…” she said in disgust.
He smiled and said, “You love him and still you are in the manhole and alone too and that’s the reason you want some company”, he giggled.
“How stupid was that? See, I know you are afraid to confess because you are afraid to lose her and the friendship but why are you thinking in a negative way. You might get the positive response.”
“You think so…”
“I don't know, I am telling you the possibilities. Look, I proposed to him and I lost him but at-least I don't regret it. Being his best-friend I let him know what I feel for him and moreover he has got the right to know what his best-friend felt for him and then it was his decision to let me go. What’s the point of being someone’s best friend if we hide our feelings from them?”
“I am not so great or dutyful, I prefer to be secretive and keep the relationship alive”, he said.
“Ved, please…”
“You gonna order something, or-else I will order something of my choice”, he winked. They avoided the topic for a while and talked about their school days, how they were strangers when they were in school and then suddenly through the social networking site they became such good friends. They talked of all the silly stuff they noticed about each-other while they were in school yet never bothered at that time untill they became friends.
“I mean seriously, how could you fall for Ryan? I still can't believe.” Ved said.
“How Kajol could seriously marry Ajay Devgan, I mean seriously”, she chuckled.
“Such rubbish…”
 C'mon, you are so silly. Love can happen with anyone, you don't really need any reason…”
“Oh, yes I forgot your theories…”
“Not theories, I really believe them. I know those stuffs don't exist in this century but still somewhere I believe that there is a Romeo like you waiting eagerly for his Juliet to show up in the balcony.” She winked at him, all he could do was to look away and blush.
“I strongly believe that true feelings  resides in everyone around you and it depends upon the people whether they are brave enough to face their feelings, no matter if they have to face the heartbreak or build up some wall around themselves and pretend as if they don’t want love in their life”, she said.
“Aliya, you know I gave her loads of hints, but she is indeed some strange girl, she can never get the catch…”
“So? What? You will stop trying or something? I don't understand why people do stop trying after one big-shock, infact they are so damn afraid to take a risk.”
“Because, everyone is not like you, so brave”, he giggled.
“It’s not about being brave, it’s about admitting that I feel something for someone and there’s nothing wrong in it and you should have the balls to accept the fact…”
“No, I don't have the courage, I might lose her forever”, Ved said.
“You have nothing to lose, because you know it well, the moment she will fall for someone else, you gonna lose her in some way or the other. So, why not let her know about your feelings?”
“But I will still have her friendship. She told me previously that she really used to love her ex, but he betrayed her and dumped her and now she can't trust anyone…”
“But she trusts you; you are her best-friend.”
“Ya, she trusts me as a friend but not like…”
“Trust is trust; there aren't some types of trust or some classification. When a person trusts someone, which means he or she can rely on that person and there is no other type…”
“But, she said she is afraid to trust someone or fall for someone”, he gasped.
“Ya, that’s because she went through a bad relationship, she was heartbroken and she can’t stand high to get her strength back to normal. Like, if some-day by any chance I have to face Ryan, I don't know what the moment will be like but I will always welcome him; and at the same time I'm afraid of trusting anyone but that doesn't mean I don't want to be loved or be in love. Of Course I do want to be in love again…”
“Why am I getting an intuition that you are ready to get out of the manhole and fall in the drain”, he giggled.
“Hadd hai… All this time I was heartening you and you are still stuck with manholes and drains…”
“ Don't change the topic, you kind of like that guy, don't you?”
“Which guy? I don't know who you talking about”, she said and looked away.
“The same guy you always talk about, that you like him”, he winked.
“Ya, I like him, what’s wrong in that and that’s what I was trying to explain. I also had the worst heartbreak  I lost both my love and best-friend and still I am gathering the courage to give life a chance. I’m not yet over Ryan, but I still feel something for Neev as well, I do believe that a person can love two persons at the same time”, she giggled.
“Uff, you are hopeless…”
“What? Don't you love your mom and dad at the same time?” she enquired.
“Actually I love both the girls sitting behind you”, he laughed and winked.
“What a pathetic guy, I am trying to help you being such a good friend…”
“So, was the meeting all about cheering me up?” he interrupted.
“No, it’s like I'm your good friend, I want a treat, adding  to that I get bored these days, as I have nothing constructive to do and then I don't want you to be upset.”
“Oh! Thank you so much for being there and also for your lectures”, he laughed.
 You're welcome. Well, I like this girl and I want her to know that the love she is searching all around here and there is right beside her”, she smiled.
“You have no idea, how boring this conversation was, I mean all we talked about was some stupid love-drama, whereas there are so many things to discuss.”
“Here is the problem, you call it silly but that’s what matters to you the most, she is one of your priorities.”
“Ya, she is…”
“So, admit it...”
“Ya, I am admitting it, infact I can admit it in front of everyone just not infront of her”, he said.
“C’mon you sheep, don't be such a coward, be a man.”
“I’m a man, it’s that…”
“Prove it, you're a man…”
“I can prove in some other way as well”, he winked.
“Shut up you bastard…”
“What, you want a proof, anyway I will think upon what you said, let me meet her. We gonna meet next weekend, after that I will think over it.”
“Well, don't propose her over the phone or text her about your feelings, propose her directly face to face and make an eye to eye contact, so that she can feel your words and your feelings as well”, she advised.
“What?” he asked astonished. “I said I will think about it and you are asking me to propose to her and that to face to face and eye to eye contact; I would rather jump into a pool.”
“You are so hopeless; I will let her know if you cannot confess.”
“No no, don't do this, I will do whatever you say, just give me some time.”
“That’s good, I like it.”
“Actually you know I think its better not to let her know, maybe we are not destined to be each others’.”
“What? Really? How can you say that, have you seen the future? Or did destiny come all the way and whisper into your ear?
“No, it’s just that I kinda think that…”
“Last-time I checked, you were some mind reader and now you are the fortune teller”, she mocked.
“Ok, you win; I lose.”
“It’s nothing about winning or losing. Being your friend, all I can wish that you get the positive response and it’s wise to look for it”, she smiled.
 You're really some philosopher, well so am I at times not all the time, unlike you”, he laughed.
“Whatever, if my friends are happy, I am happy.”
“So what were you saying about loving both person at the same time?” he giggled.
“ Don't start it again, you know that I'm right.”
“Well look, there are few people in our life whom we can’t hold onto but they are still in our heart and you can't let them go but still life goes on.”
“Hmm…So, when are you getting committed?”
“Well, let’s see…”
“Do give me a treat…”
“Vice-versa”, she giggled.
“Sure, sure… You gave me the training on how to commit suicide, and along with that, a threatening.”
“Don’t say that, you gonna live and you gonna be happy.”
“I hope so…”
“Arey umeed per toh duniya tiki hai…” she laughed. The conversation took place for some more time and atlast Ved assured Aliya that soon he will convey her feelings to Purvi and then they left for their destination. One of them was frightened to take the step and confess his love and the other was already heart-broken and was waiting for the right moment so that she could put those pieces of her heart back to its places. It’s not that they are rundown by Destiny; it’s just that they saw one side of the coin. There is still the other side of the coin waiting for them, all they have to do is to wait hard and overcome their fear. We often give excuses of Destiny not willing to help or show up happiness whereas in reality we often choose to step back rather to build up our wrecked castle. Destiny always can't give you pain; it just sees your patience and efforts and then gives you the fruits. You might face the bump at first or later but then you grow strong; so when happiness knocks your door someday, you value it more and feel its essence.

And the rest I know about DESTINY…-
“Even when destiny really wants to accomplish something, it can’t do it alone, you still have to go to that restaurant, you still have to show up, you still have to build a bridge to the one you love”-  MY SASSY GIRL!!


  1. Ami je ekhane ki commnt debo bujhte parchi na..... warmest thanxs to u... Deblina.. never ever expeced dat i cud be of so much importance sum day dat sum1 wud be lendind (OR RATHER WASTING) her tym fr me... and also thanx for all those who have complemented d work... Fr me OSHADHARON....

  2. m glad dat u lykd it!!! :) :D
    n same commnt fb teo diyechili!!! :P
