Monday, December 19, 2011


Anchal took the phone and looked at Rohaan; she couldn’t realize how to express gratitude to her innocent brother, he was indeed very understanding and helpful. After Rohaan left the room, she was bewildered; should she call Sagnik for one more time and tell him everything? Or, should she avoid Sagnik and move on?  She couldn’t understand what to do; she then kept the cell phone aside and tried to concentrate on her studies. She could hardly concentrate, all she was thinking about Sagnik; finally she decided to give him a call.
“Hello”, Sagnik said.
“Hi, baby”, she sobbed.
“Pumpkin!!! Baby, where are you? Why aren’t you talking to me? Did I do something wrong?” he enquired.
“I’m so sorry”, she sobbed again.
“What is the matter?”
“Please tell me”, he requested. She couldn’t control her feelings any longer, she started crying hard; Sagnik was confounded for some time and then he started consoling her. He asked her the matter but she couldn’t reveal the entire matter to him. She told him that her parents were conscious of their relationship and they were indeed displeased about it. She didn’t let him know how she got tortured by her family; she didn’t even reveal that she got slapped by her father and he asked her not to continue her coaching classes. Sagnik realized that she was in total mess but he didn’t want to ask her hell lots of questions and prick her further. Hence he tried to comfort her and to some extent he succeeded; his talks made her smile once again and all her pain was drenched away. She thought of giving her luck one more chance, she believed that her God won’t let her down this time. All she could think of,was, giving her relationship one more chance and she decided that no matter what happens she would sail through every difficulty. For the next few months everything was going very smooth; her Nanny, her cousin elder sister and ofcourse Rohaan helped her throughout. They loved Sagnik and considered him to be absolutely perfect for Anchal. Not in her wildest dreams she thought that life was about to play its crooked game once again, Avisek got aware of the matter somehow and he was almost preparing his cruelest plan ever. Anchal’s account was hacked one more time and she was helpless, she couldn’t figure out her next step to protect her love from Avisek and his filthy plans.
“I don’t understand Nanny, what I shall do?” she said.
“Well, all I can say to have faith on God and have patience”, Nanny replied.
“Till how long I have to suffer so much? I don’t understand why Avisek hates me so much, why is he so jealous with me? I tried hard to please him but he still hates me so much…”
“No dear, don’t cry”, Nanny said and wiped away the tears.
 “He is my brother Nanny, my own brother; still he hates me so much. I don’t know what he wants from me?”
“Life is very mysterious; it plays its own games and even gives justice to everyone. It may ditch you most of the times but it will also give you the ultimate bliss. Don’t get disheartened sweetheart, I know you deserve happiness and maybe HE is planning something better for you.”
“All I’m afraid is if Dad tries to hurt Sagnik…”
“No, he won’t hurt him…”
“Nanny, he said he will kill him if he comes to know that I’m still talking to him. Avisek got aware of it and he will definitely let Dad know about it”, she sobbed hard.
“You don’t worry, I will talk to Avisek”, she said politely. Anchal tried to convince herself that everything would go fine but could never relax; she was getting anxious as the days went by. She was getting more and more depressed but she harbored no complaints, she spent sleepless nights thinking about the darkness approaching towards them but she never revealed a single word to Sagnik. Seeing Anchal so agitated and disturbed, her cousin rang up Sagnik without Anchal’s knowledge and confided into him the entire matter. Sagnik was shocked to hear that Anchal’s dad didn’t allow her anymore for the IIT coaching, he even slapped her unsympathetically. At first he got very pissed off but then he felt very guilty; he considered himself to be the only reason for her condition. Inspite of his guilt he felt happy because her love for him was so immense that after being tormented so much she still believed that their love would survive. She never let their love kneel down before the tough times and kept on smiling. Sagnik was determined that no matters what happens next, he would never let his love go away from him, he will never lose hope. Both of them used to converse more often, Sagnik never revealed to her that he was aware of everything. He often tried to make her laugh and live her life without worries where as Anchal, she too tried hard to suppress her anxiety infront of Sagnik and behaved as if she was enjoying every moment with him.True ,she did enjoy every moment with him, but with restlessness clung to her like her own shadow. They even went out for dates; Anchal’s cousin helped her while she went out with Sagnik, she started believing that finally happiness was bestowed in her destiny. They chatted till late into nights and everything was going very smooth.
“When everything was going so good, then what went wrong?” Bidya poked in. Sagnik didn’t respond anything and looked away; his eyes were full of tears.
“I don’t know how to console people, I’m indeed a big time loser in this case”, she said.
“Same here”, Dipanita said.
“I’m absolutely fine”, he tried hard to smile. “I feel bad because I couldn’t help her, she suffered everything all alone. She is the best soul I have ever come across.”
“What went wrong?” Dipanita enquired.
“Many things, many issues we came across but then there was a time when I thought it would be better for her if we depart. Hence I asked her to meet me for the last time; it was our last date and I saw her for the last time; I bade her good-bye for the final time…”
“You ok???” Aditi enquired.
“I don’t know”, Sagnik said.
“I know it’s hard to decide but still think twice before you take the final step”, she said.
“I know”, he said and then all of a sudden he broke down in tears. He hugged Aditi tightly and cried hard, he was never so disheartened previously; he was never so feeble before. He behaved like a kid, as if he lost his very first crayons while he was about to draw his perfect master piece. Aditi tried to console him but she knew well that her words could never ease his pain.
“Sagnik, stop crying dear, please”, she said. “Since the day we became best friends I have known that you are a very strong person and very brave. I know the situations are dismal but if you get weak then you can never convince Anchal and you got your exam semester approaching.”
“I know, I need to be strong, I know …. I need… to be… strong”, he murmured. Finally the day arrived, he was about to meet Anchal, he was totally broken from inside yet he was smiling. Anchal wasn’t mentally prepared about the ferocious winds approaching her love castle; she considered it to be like any other date. They went to the place where they started their relationship; Sagnik thought it would be better to end the relationship from where it had started. He was waiting for Anchal and his eyes were full of tears, the thought of not seeing her, not feeling her soft skin, not kissing her tender lips, perforated his soul. He thought loving her was so easy than to get away from her, but then he needed to be strong and he wiped away the tears which made their ways to his lips.
“Hi”, a sweet voice said. The voice was not of some unknown girl, she was the only girl of his life. He closed his eyes and felt the essence of her voice for and imprisoned it forever; he turned back and saw her, his eyes captured her picture and stored it forever. He smiled at her and she came towards him and hugged him tightly. There was not much public and hence she was desperate enough to hug him in the public place. He felt her touch and hugged her back, he couldn’t control himself anymore. Anchal looked at him and his eyes were wet, she could then feel the upcoming storm which was approaching silently.
“I love you Anchal”, he said. “But…”
“Tum thik ho?”
“I can’t continue this relationship Anchal”, he said and looked away. She kept quiet and was stunned for some time, she couldn’t believe her ears but when she saw him sobbing; she leaned her head on his shoulder and held his hand tight.
“I don’t know the reason why you said such thing but I know you love me a lot”, she sobbed. The moment she said that Sagnik hugged her tight and cried out loud, he couldn’t let her go. Both of them continued sobbing till they realized that they were in the park, Sagnik wiped away her tears and held her hand tight; this time he was looking directly into her eyes.
“Anchal, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone and I don’t know whether I will ever be able to love so much like te way I loved you but I want to end this relationship for your happiness. Anchal, the dreams which you have seen for yourself and the things you have planned for your future is more important than our love...”
“I want to be with you, you are the best part of my future”, she interrupted. He smiled at her and pressed her cheeks, then he said her that her cousin rang him up and said him everything. Anchal was shocked when she heard that Sagnik was aware of everything and no longer could she face him.
“You kept everything to yourself, you suffered everything all alone, you never let me know your pain and how can you expect that I will let you suffer when I know everything. Anchal I’m not telling you to get out of my life, I’m telling to give this relation a break for time being, atleast till you achieved your goals and if after that Destiny is with us, we will be with each-other.”
Anchal remained quiet and said nothing and tears kept rolling down her cheeks, Sagnik cupped her face and kissed her lips and then her fore head. “You are my angel Anchal, but I can’t let you suffer all alone”, he said.
“I know you love me more than I love you and I respect your decision. I will work hard and achieve my dreams and ofcourse I will wait till our Destiny unites us once again”, she said and kissed his fore-head.
“I love you Pumpkin”, he said and smiled. They conversed for some times, they shared their experiences with each other. Sagnik made her smile as he didn’t want her to cry and get feeble while they were about to depart. As usual Sagnik gave her the red rose but this time it was of plastic not the real-one, Anchal looked at him in surprise.
“You might be thinking why I gave you this instead of the real one; it’s because I don’t know when we are going to meet, infact whether we can ever be able to meet or not, so I want the rose to be perfect till the day we meet”, Sagnik said and a tear rolled down his cheeks.
“We will meet”, she replied. “I know, we will.”
Then they depart forever, both of them smiled at each-other to prove that they are strong enough to accept the fact with ease but in inside the pain of separation started boiling at its highest point. Sagnik returned home and took his cell phone and went through all her text, he checked her mails, her photographs and broke down in tears. For many days he locked himself in his room and he was least bothered about his approaching semester exams. His room-mates enquired about the matter but he could tell nothing, all he was lost in her thought. Anchal never called him after that day; she was indeed strong enough to endure everything silently. Infact she was in a war to win her love over her fate, but she forgot that few things we can’t change, they are destined to be snatched away. Semester exams were on and somehow Sagnik managed to concentrate in his studies, Anchal often came across his mind but he controlled himself each time he thought himself getting weak. Everything was somehow getting normal but then all of a sudden Sagnik found Anchal’s landline number flashing and it was late at night. For a moment he thought he was dreaming but then he pinched himself, he wasn’t dreaming. He was very happy to see her name flashing, he picked up the call but then he couldn’t speak at all. It wasn’t Anchal, it was her brother Avisek. He was literally abusing Sagnik for no reason from the moment he received the call. At first he was stunned and couldn’t relate what’s going on but later he heard some girl shrieking very badly. The girl was no one other than Anchal, Sagnik went pale and he couldn’t utter a word. He held the phone for a while and then the line got disconnected. He didn’t realize what happened, he again dialed her number. He got to talk to him as he wanted to know why Anchal was shrieking so badly. At first no one picked up the call but later Avisek received his call.
“Hello”, Sagnik said.
“How dare you to call here, you filthy bastard”, Avisek roared over the phone. Sagnik could still hear her screaming loudly, his anxiety level got increased. He was least bothered what Avisek was telling, all he cared about Anchal.
“I want to talk to Anchal, what happened to her?” he enquired.
“Don’t you dare pronounce her name, if you want to see her alive”, he said and disconnected the line. Sagnik stood perplexed and then broke down in tears, he dialed her number one more time but the phone didn’t ring. He couldn’t understand what to do? Whom to call and ask for help? What happened to Anchal? Why was she screaming so loud? He couldn’t tolerate his restlessness, the next day was his Semester exam and all he wanted to run away to Anchal’s place. He rang Aditi but she didn’t pick up his call as it was late at night, he give a call to all his friends but none picked up his call. His frustration was increasing as the time passed by, he kept trying her number but it was unreachable. After half an hour he collapsed as he couldn’t take the frustration any more. His roomies got terrified and soon called the doctor and was taken to the hospital. When he got his senses back he just wished everything to be a night mare but when he checked his call records he realized that everything that happened was real. Because of him Anchal was cruelly tortured by her family, she got to suffered so much. Her screams kept on echoing in his mind, her pain and her helplessness tormented Sagnik every moment. After a week or so he received a mail from Anchal’s cousin, she said him not to contact Anchal anyway if he wanted her to be alive. When Sagnik enquired about Anchal and the matter, he got no answer from her, infact she never replied to him.
“I don’t know what happened that day... I don’t know how she is... I don’t know whether she cracked her IIT or not, I got no clue whether she is dead or alive”, Sagnik stammered whereas Dipanita and Bidya, they were still stunned and their eyes were full of tears. Both of them went numb, they couldn’t utter a word.
“I am sure, she will be fine”, Bidya broke the silence after a long time. Sagnik looked at her and smiled; she then wiped away his tears. Dipanita was still quite unable to utter a single word, she couldn’t imagine how Anchal endured everything; she did respect Anchal’s patience and endurance but for then she could only pray for Anchal and hope that she was fine.
“She is very strong Sagnik, she isn’t that weak and I’m sure she is fighting till now”, Dipanita said. Three of them were so emotional that none can make other feel comfortable; Bidya’s cell rang and she excused herself.
“I’m so sorry, I hope you are okay”, Sagnik said.
“I think I should be the one telling this”, Dipanita said. He used to ask me the same way you asked me, whenever both of us were upset, he cared for me whether I was feeling better or not. Why you left me and walked away? Why?
“So, now it’s your turn to tell the story”, he said.
“Oh! Please, one story was enough for today and my destination will be arriving soon”, she smiled.
“This is cheating…”
“Well, I want to ask you one thing, will you ever be able to love anyone else?” she enquired.
“Why not??? Anchal is my past, my beautiful past, I never regret by loving her but that doesn’t mean I will not build my present and future. If we are destined for each-other we will be together but if not I will always welcome love in my life.”
“I don’t… know…”
“Listen dear, love might give us pain but we fall in love to experience happiness rather than to hold the pain. I do love Anchal and I know I can never love someone like I loved her but that doesn’t mean I can never be in love. I will be in love; it’s that I am waiting for the correct person.”
“Quite practical”, she giggled.
“One should be”, he smiled too. “I want to ask you something…”
“Go ahead”, she said.
“What do you expect from your ex? Answer truly”, he said.
“Thank you.”
“I mean I just want to hear ‘Thank you’, he always said that he was lucky enough to have me, I am his greatest support and many more but he never appreciated me and now when I am a stranger to him, I want him to appreciate me”, she said.
“I don’t know, are you really so good or I’m just dreaming.”
“You are dreaming”, she giggled. “You are a good soul hence you feel that everyone is as good as you.”
“So very funny”, he laughed.  “I have observed you since the time I have noticed you, I felt you are afraid of something. Afraid to fall in love, afraid to trust, afraid of giving life a chance; I don’t know the reason, all I want to say move on.”
“Okayyyyy, let’s see”, she smiled.
“I’m not telling you to forget your past or hate him or something else. I am telling you to carry your past but built your future”, he said. They then talked for a while and exchange their mail ids to stay in terms; the journey was indeed memorable for both. Then the train came to halt, before she got down she turned back to him and said, “I really had a wonderful experience with you, you are a very nice person. I never thought I would meet someone so good, all strangers are not bad.”
“Oh, so I think you are impressed, so can I have your number”, he winked at her.
“I’m sorry I can’t give you my number but I can promise you something. On my ex’s birthday I will definitely send him the book I was writing for him, no matter what happens and the very next mail I will send it to you. I will show you my story…”
“Really??? Oh, thank you so much”, he said excitingly. “I will be waiting for your mail.”
“One more thing, you are right, I am afraid of something. The something is that if I moved on in my life and years after I still see him struggling with his past and running behind darkness, will I be happy to see him like that, will I give justice to my soul-mate? I can’t love someone like I loved him…”
“I couldn’t get you…”
“Just think, you moved on with some-one and you find Anchal still waiting for you after years, suppose she never got out of her past …then… strange na??? I know I’m crack but I can’t change myself, anyways good-bye and have a safe journey”, she said and then she left. For a moment, Sagnik couldn’t get out of her words, he couldn’t understand what to say or how to react but whatever she said touched his heart. He later realized better not to think of the consequences as the thought itself started haunting him.

Months later, Sagnik received Dipanita’s mail, till then they never had a chat, Dipanita never showed up but she kept her promise. She mailed her the soft-copy of her book which she was writing for her ex. After a week Sagnik mailed her…

To my dearest stranger,
I am very angry, you never showed up. I thought you gave me some fake id and I really didn’t expect your mail. I read your book and completed it today itself, I must say you are a very good soul. I’m not buttering you but truly I felt that your love for him is immense. And the guy, I must say he is so honest and truthful, seriously, so transparent regarding feelings. He is also a lovely soul. Now coming to u, u really endured a lot, his frustration, his anger everything.. But I think he didn’t mean it literally or may b he meant it, I don’t know, but u, dear u bear a lot. After reading ur story I gt immobilized. I was recollecting ur story, each n evry momnts of urs.. wat I felt he is just afraid that he won't be able to love you as much as you love him..!! so perfectly you have arranged everything and I’m sure after reading this he can resist himself frm talking to u. don't be scared, he is a boy after all and you still are his best friend..! I thnk after reading the story he ought to realize how much u love him and if not then he is an idiot & definitely he will thank you. J
To be honest and frankly speaking, I am quite jealous of him. Don’t mind, it’s quite natural to get jealous. He does feel something for u, not love, not friendship something more than dat and one thing I must say he is afraid to lose you, I can bet that. Your story really moved me so much, I m really very impressed with your dedication and devotion and if I give any lecture to u den it will be an insult to ur feelings. So I wont insult u n ur feelings. N if I have to say anything then I would say ask him to open up little, share things and honestly you both deserve each other. GOD BLESSES YOU BOTH! Hope your endless waiting gets a reward. And I got good news for u; I am in love once again n guess the girl…???? Smitha (snail)… n plz pray that Anchal is fine and she too moved on because what you said last time the thought haunt me till now.. plz pray that she must moved on.. Take care and stay happy.

Love stranger.

After reading the mail, she smiled and recalled her meeting with the sweetest stranger she had ever met. She was very happy for Sagnik that he found his perfect partner and she did pray for Anchal to be sound and safe.

“I’m also committed Sagnik”, she thought. “But, Am I really committed???”

                                                                                                 The End…

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