Thursday, October 27, 2011


“Alright alright, I don’t want to force you for anything”, Sagnik said.
“Thank you”, Dipanita replied.
“Well, in that case you please continue your story”, Bidya said to Sagnik.
“Oh yes”, he said and smiled.
“, ar..e y..ouu…”
“You??? Oh my God, you are mr. S? What were you talking about Anchal?” she enquired, totally astounded. Sagnik looked back to the text but till then his cell got discharged, he was totally confused.
Suddenly Smitha got a call; it was Aditi on the other side. At first she got no pluck to pick up the call hence she disconnected the line. Once again Aditi gave her a call and then finally she got to receive it.
“Hi”, Smitha said timidly.
“What’s wrong with you? Where were you? I was calling you since long.”
“Actually… umm…”
“Anyways, I wanted to say that I’m very happy”, Aditi said merrily.
“Why???” she pretended. So I guess there problem got solved, Sagnik and she got committed. I wish…
“We exchanged number yesterday night and we talked over the phone the whole night and it was awesome talking to him”, she did sound very happy.
“That’s sounds great. What about your date with Sagnik?”
“Date??? Sagnik??? I couldn’t get you”, she said.
“Today you were about to meet your internet guy, isn’t?”
“No, we are going to meet next Friday”, she said.
For a moment Sagnik gazed at her and couldn’t think of composing any sentence, the weirdest thing had happened to him. The girl he couldn’t get out of his mind was standing infront of him, he almost forgot about Smitha’s text.
“Anchal??? But … Oh, my god”, he said.
“Mr. S???  You???” she was surprised too.
“Ms. A???  You???”
“Hold on a second, what did you just say?” she enquired.
“Well, I am freaked out myself, you are ms. A?” What did Smitha text? She said about Aditi…
“Well, you were talking about… Anchal, is that Anchal me or someone else?” she winked at him and he blushed. Later Sagnik said her everything, how he felt for Anchal and he even apologized; she got convinced too. Sagnik was very happy that his ‘Ms. A’ was none but Anchal herself but at the same time he was terrified about Smitha’s text. After their meeting got over, they decided to chat at night and ofcourse they exchanged their numbers. As soon as Sagnik reached home, he called back Smitha and enquired what the matter was?
“Hi”, she said.
“I couldn’t get your text regarding Aditi.”
“Oh, I heard that your meeting got cancelled, so excited about next Friday?”
“Cancelled?? Who told you??? I had my date with ‘ms. A’, infact I had an awesome day”, he said.
“What? But Aditi said your meeting got cancelled…”
“No, how did she come to know about my date?”
“Isn’t she your ‘ms. A’?”
“No, my ‘ms. A’ is my Anchal”, he giggled.
“Who is this Anchal?” Smitha enquired and then she told Sagnik the entire conversation with Aditi and her internet guy. For an instant, Sagnik couldn’t believe his ears, he then decided to give a call to Aditi and ask her the entire matter. He disconnected the line and rang Aditi and whereas Smitha, she was completely confounded after hearing Sagnik’s part of story.
“Hello, Aditi”, Sagnik said.
“Yup, say…”
“What’s the matter regarding the internet guy? I’m confused.”
“Who told you?”
“Lizard, ofcourse, she was almost crying”, he said and narrated the entire thing including his story, Anchal and ofcourse the date.
“What?? Oh, my God”, she laughed hard. “I can’t believe this…”
“Arrey, why are you laughing?”
“Sorry… sorry”, she giggled. “Actually I was imagining if what Smitha said is true, means you and me…”
“Shut up, Aditi”, Sagnik mocked. “Well, you never said about your internet guy…”
“I tried to confess, you remembered my birthday party and I wanted to say something…”
“Oh! Yes.”
“My internet guy was not from our locality, he is from Delhi and we never met each-other but we exchanged our photos”, she said.
“Aditi, I’m very happy. I met my ‘ms. A’ and she is my angel”, he blushed.
“Aww… our life is so very same isn’t it? I mean our love story is so much same”, she said innocently.
“Ya, ofcourse and that’s the reason we are best friends.”
They chatted for a while and then called Smitha and were talking in conference. They cleared every mess and laughed very hard, though it was difficult for Smitha to digest everything but she didn’t grumble at all. Everything was moving so smooth, Sagnik and Anchal started conversing over the telephone late into nights. Love was in the air, the innocent love just learnt to fly high. Both of them planned their first date, they were about to meet near the some Mandir. J
“I’m coming, just wait for few minutes, please”, Sagnik said.
“Ya, come soon”, Anchal replied. She waited nearly for forty-five minutes; Sagnik somehow reached the spot and he managed to bring sweets for her. When Sagnik was standing at the other side of the road, he saw Anchal wearing a red churidar and indeed she looked stunning.
“Hi, I’m sorry for being late”, he said.
“Ya, it’s ok”, she smiled.
“Let’s go.”
“Umm... actually I have a request to you”, she stammered.
“What? Are you okay?”
“Actaully, could you please maintain a distance from me, the people over here know me well”, she said.
“Oh, ya, whatever you say…” what, I can’t even hold your hand? This is not done!!
Then they hired a taxi and went to College Street, in the mean time Anchal gave Sagnik her pencil sketch which she had done of her own. She was an incredible sketcher and the sketch did impress Sagnik a lot. He was very happy to see the sketch and then he gave her some sweets which he brought from Gangurams but she refused to take them.
“I’m sorry, I can’t take them”, she apologized.
“I can’t take, that’s it”, she said and looked away. For a moment, Sagnik felt weird about her behavior but he didn’t say a word. He tried to be normal as he could sense something wrong with her. They reached College Street, the place was of huge rush generally; that day it was comparatively less. Sagnik took his camera and was busy taking pictures of the scenario where as Anchal was busy buying Bible or Gita kind of books. Sagnik then focused Anchal while she was busy gazing at the books; he kept on clicking till he realized that he got enough for the moment to be cherished. While Anchal wasn’t looking at him, he was busy looking at each girls that passed by and then he pretended that he didn’t notice them. After the work was done, Sagnik asked her to accompany him to the café but she hesitated like a sulky child.
“What’s wrong with you?” Sagnik enquired.
“Nothing”, she said and looked away.
Finally she agreed and they went to the nearby café and ordered noodles. Sagnik took out his personal diary and gave it to Anchal; she looked at him and smiled.
“I want you to write something about me”, he said.
“Well, good-points or bad ones”, she giggled.
“Your wish”, he winked at her. While she was busy writing, he once again clicked few pictures of her. When he showed his photography, Anchal was almost in tears, she was very much impressed with his works.
“You are the best photographer I have ever come across”, she said.
“Oh! Really, thank you so much sweet heart.”
“Please can we go somewhere else, I want to talk to you”, she requested.
“What’s wrong with the cafe?”
“Okay”, he said. They went out of the café and went to the nearby park and sat at the pool side. Sagnik looked at Anchal and she was very restless, he tried to make her laugh but he failed at it.
“How much do you love me?” Anchal enquired, she wasn’t looking at him.
“A lot”, he replied and held her hand for the first time. She looked at him and her eyes were full of tears.
“I want to give IIT”, she said.
“What? Oh…”
“But they won’t allow me to live my life”, she sobbed.
“My parents… my family they are very conservative and orthodox, they are very back-dated.”
“This is indeed sickening, what’s wrong if you want to pursue IIT.”
“My brother…”
“He is jealous of me in every aspect, since we were small. I don’t know why is he so upset with me, I always tries to please him but he always wants me to get tortured.”
“Calm down sweetheart, stop crying”, he hugged her tightly.
“I’m afraid that he would tell mom and dad about our relationship”, she sobbed badly.
“Stop crying baby”, he said almost in tears.
“He came to know about us, he tracked my account. Though my youngest brother helped me a lot but I’m still afraid. He knew that today I was about to meet you…”
“Nothing will happen and if at all anything happens, you are not alone. I’m always by your side, forever.”
“You don’t know my family, they will kill me. For them their self-esteem and tradition is more valuable than their daughter’s life”, she said.
“It’s Mom, ssshhhh”, she said and picked up the call. She talked for a while and then looked at him. She said that her mom sounded fretful and she got to depart instantaneously. She wiped away the tears and looked at him directly into his eyes and so did he, they kissed each-other. After a second or two, she hurried to the bus-stand but before she could go, Sagnik held her hand and pulled her towards himself.
“Please, take these sweets”, he requested. At first she hesitated a bit but then finally looking at his innocent expression she accepted her defeat. When Sagnik returned home, he looked at her pictures which he captured the whole day long and he lost himself in her memories. Her innocence attracted him more and at the same time he was worried about her. He didn’t know about their future but he made himself determined that no matter what happens he would never leave her alone. He would be her strength and support, he would never let her dishearten. Suddenly Sagnik’s cell beeped; it was Anchal’s text.
I shard dos sweets wid mom, dad n wid mah bros.. dey jus luvd it.. J
Wat about u, my luv?
I luv u, so naturally watevr u gft me, I’l luv dem.. J
I luv u so much mah angl, I wil nvr lev u my baby.
I’m so happy to hv u in mah lyf… :*
“You were with that guy, isn’t it?” the boy said.
“Oh, bhai… actually… I went to College Street to buy those books”, she stammered.
“Don’t lie, I got my eyes on you”, Avisek said sternly and then left. Anchal stood still, she was in trouble because she was sure that her brother would again do something wrong. She was getting herself mentally prepared for it, though it wasn’t a new thing for her; whenever she tried to be happy, her brother always created some nuisances and hurt her every time. All she was worried about Sagnik, he loved her crazily and this time he was also involved. The relation had to end someday because Anchal’s parents would never accept them but she never wanted it in a harsh way. She was completely devastated because Sagnik wasn’t the only reason, her boards were also about to knock the door and her dream of IIT would get shattered any moment. She worked so hard for her dreams but at that point of time, she could see only darkness. She never shared those stuffs with anyone; she was too lonely though she was surrounded by her loved ones. Things were going smooth on Sagnik’s side but what Anchal feared the most happened, her parents got aware of the relationship. Avisek told everything to her mother and her mother said the stuffs to her dad.
“Do you know this number?” Anchal’s father shouted her, showing her the mobile bill. She was terrified and looked helplessly at Avisek but he smiled.
“Papa, that’s my friend’s number”, Anchal’s younger brother, Rohaan said in her support. Anchal’s father looked at Rohaan in anger; the little boy swallowed a lump.
“No dad, Rohaan is lying, it’s his number, you call him back”, Avisek poked in.
“I think I should complain to police”, her dad said.
“Suniye ji, aap police mein complain karenge, kitni badnami hogi hamari”, Anchal’s mother said.
“Aapki beti ne kuch baki rakha kya?”
“No, papa, I’m sorry. I won’t do anything against you, I will listen to you, please don’t involve police”, she cried.
Slap! Slap!
Her father slapped her twice, blood oozed out from the corner’s of her lips. She looked helplessly but he showed no mercy.
“Aapko hum school pardne bheje the, yeh sab kya hai?”
“Papa, she started all these stuffs since the day you get her admitted in that coaching institute. She wanted to be an IITian so that she can run away with her guy”, Avisek added.
“No, papa, IIT is my dream, and Sagnik, he wasn’t involve in anyway”, she said.
“So, that’s his name”, her mother said. “You are so unabashed; there was no one like you in our family.”
“From today no coaching institute and no going out with friends, you only go to school and that to with the driver”; his father said unsympathetically and turned his back towards her.
“Please don’t do this papa, I want IIT more than anything in this world, don’t hurt me like this, I beg you.”
“Aapko pehle sochna chahiye tha…”
“Papa, please, I won’t talk to him…”
“Go to your room”, he shouted. She stood terrified, her dreams were shattered. She stood motionless and then she looked at her mother but she looked away. Rohaan held her hand and tried to comfort her.
“Papa asked you to go to your room, so go”, Avisek ordered.
“If any day I come to know that you spoke to that guy for one more time, I will kill him; I will not spare you even, you will be sent to our village and no more schooling for you after that…”
Her father sentenced the worst punishment; she ran back to her room and locked herself. She cried a lot, there were no-one with whom she could share her pain. She couldn’t contact Sagnik as she knew her father would do exactly what he had said; moreover she couldn’t hurt Sagnik for her foolishness.
“I shouldn’t have said him yes, I should have stayed alone. For the first time I felt so happy to be in his arms but…” she cried out loud and hugged her pillow. On the other side Sagnik called her cell-phone but it was switched off, he mailed her but she didn’t reply. He got worried but he could do nothing; he called Aditi for help but she too got no news of her. Anchal didn’t visit school for few days as she was afraid to face Sagnik and moreover she got to prepare for her IIT by herself. A week passed both Anchal and Sagnik were not in touch, and each day they missed each-other like anything. God didn’t show His mercy on their love, the wings of the young love was cut off before it could fly high.
“Di, you ok???” Rohaan asked naively.
“Yup”, she pretended to be very busy.
“Ap, chinta mat karo, mujhe pata hai Sagnik bhaiya apse bohut pyaar karte hai…”
She looked at her young brother, he was indeed so innocent. He was the only one in her family who loved her the most; he couldn’t bear his sister crying. She pulled her brother close and pressed his cheeks and tried hard to smile; a tear dropped from her left eye.
“Yeh chocolate main apke liye leke aya”, he said innocently and handed her the chocolate, she couldn’t control herself any longer and hugged him tightly.
“I love you Rohaan”, she said.
“I love you too didi”, he hugged her back. “Infact I bought something else for you…”
“What?” she asked. Rohaan managed to steal an old cell-phone which belonged to Avisek long time back but he didn't use the cell any longer.
“Nobody use this one and nobody cared for it, I used to play with this but now I think you need it more than myself”, he smiled. Anchal couldn’t believe her eyes; her brother bought her a cell-phone.
“Thank you”, she said and wiped out her tears.
“Di, Sagnik bhaiya bohut pareshan honge, you must call him”, he said. She looked at the cell-phone and she felt happy.

                                                            TO BE CONTINUED… J

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Khusi aur Gham....

Ek taraf hai yaadien teri...
Toh dusre taraf ho tum...
Aane wale pal main hai khusiya meri...
Toh guzre pal main hai tere diye gham...
Sabke saath chalne per bhi hai akelepan ka ehsaas...
Tum toh do kadam chal na paye saath, phir bhi ho dil ke itne paas...
Kismat meri na jaane kya hai woh chahti...
Kabhie tumhe paas hai le aati toh kabhie dur hai woh le jaati...
Woh rista jo tha hamare beech mein,
Kya tha woh koi sapna??
Aj jab kuch baki hi nah raha,
phir dil kyun tumhe maane apna??
Kudh ko har pal samjhati hoon,
Naa saath hoge tum phir kabhie...
Woh pal jis main saath milke jiye the zindigi kabhie...
Kho gaye hai woh pal waqt ke phero mein kahi.!!!!

               20th OCTOBER... miss u....

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

After Break-up (part-1)

“I still love you”, she thought and closed her eyes. The cold breeze played with her curls and tickled her cheeks. She was lost in her thoughts and her past haunted her one more time. She could hardly control her emotions and then from nowhere a guy came and stood in-front of her.
“Hi, may I sit here if you don’t mind”, he smiled. She gave him a nod and looked away; his appearance didn’t matter to her. The guy kept on staring at her, as if he was trying to figure out something.
“I’m sorry but do you have anything to ask?” she enquired.
“No, no…”
“Why are you staring at me?”
“Well, I was just trying to figure out the reason behind your tears”, he said.
“Well I think that shouldn’t concern you”, she replied.
“Okay, okay, I was just trying…”
“Hi, I’m her friend Bidya”, the other girl said.
“Hi, I am Sagnik”, he smiled.
“She is Dipanita”, Bidya said. He looked at Dipanita but she looked away outside the window. The train was gaining its speed gradually.
“Nice to meet you both”, he smiled too.
“Actually she was missing her ex and…”
“Love”, he smiled. “Well I guessed that right…so, what is your story?”
“Why don’t you mind your own business?”
“Well, I just wanted to know your story, it’s is absolutely okay if you don’t want to share.”
“Why are you bothering me?”
“No, I didn’t mean to bother you”, he apologized.
“Well, don’t mind she is bit upset now-a-days, actually since a year or two”, Bidya mumbled.
“Well, Love is strange indeed, sometimes people try so hard to feel its essence and sometimes people go crazy to get out of its province”, he smiled.
“So, what’s your story?” Bidya quizzed.
“Well, I don’t have any story”, he said and looked away.
“Oh, c’mon, tell na”, Bidya pleaded. Dipanita looked at him and for the first time with much interest and wondered about what might be his love story.
“Well, I used to love her, actually I still feel something for my angel”, he smiled.
“Did she dump you?” Dipanita asked out of curiosity.
“No, we had a mutual break-up.”
“Mutual?” Both the girlies shouted at a time.
“Yes, my Ms. A”, he said and smiled.
“Dad, I don’t want to change my school”, the boy pleaded.
“But son, the school is good for your high secondary”, his dad replied.
“Still dad, I don’t want to take the transfer.”
“Don’t be a kid, don’t you trust me and moreover I’m sure you will like your new school”, his dad said and smiled. Finally the boy convinced himself and prepared himself for the new beginning. He was indeed a very nice person,loved to make friends; he was very practical towards life yet very emotional. He was quite nervous about his new school and people over there; he didn’t want to leave his old school as the school gave him the most striking memory ever.
Seachingmyself- I dnt wana go to d new skul…
Smileforever- y dnt u convince ur dad, I’m sure he will listen to u..
Searchingmyself- v discussd a lot bout it n I thnk he is r8 bt d thng is I will mis my old skul a lot.
Smileforever- u luv ur skul a lot, isn’t it?
Searchingmyslef- a lot.. J
Smileforever-well, I wish v both were in same I don’t evn know hw u luk? Since a yr, u r stil mr. S to me…
Searchingmyself- n u r my Ms. A… hahaha.. J I still dnt blv dat I met one f d nicst n mst beautiful gal in d wrld, dat to through intrnet.
Smileforever- hw can u b so sure dat I’m beautiful and nicest soul.. u nvr seen me… J
Searchingmyself- still I feel very comfortd whnevr I talk to u. u r just my pumpkin.. J
Smileforever- don’t u feel lyk knowing me, seeing me aftr al v belng to same place…L
Searchingmyself- yes I do… sometimes I do feel, I wish I could c u, feel ur cheeks bt I’m afraid dat if after considering each other, v go apart… it would be painful, I dnt wana lose u…
Smileforever- I feel d same.. I dnt knw y I feel dat I’m falling for u day by day… oh no I cnt bliv I said dat…hehe..
Searchingmyself-  really?? I wish I could grab u in my arms..
Smileforever- *blush blush*… J
Searchingmyself- well its late at nite, I got to go, tomorw will b my 1st day at my new skul… goodn8 my swt Ms. A.. :*
Smileforever- gudn8 mr. S.. :*
He lay down and closed his eyes and smiled, he was trying to imagine how would his ‘Ms. A’ would be? She was so perfect, so understanding and so appealing that without knowing her, he was getting into a strange feeling. The next day he went to his new school and the experience was good. He did miss the environment of his previous school but his new school too gave him the best pals he could ever imagine in his life. The entire group shared a different bond level with each-other. Sagnik’s jolly nature and good behavior attracted everyone towards himself, in-fact he was favorite of all including his teachers and of course principal. He was very happy in his life and the bond with his ‘Ms. A’ was getting stronger day by day.
“It’s my birthday, Sagnik please…”
“I know Aditi but then I will be busy tonight, try to understand”, he pleaded.
“Fine, no party then”, Aditi said disgustly.
“Areey, you are so willful na”, he smiled and pressed her cheeks. Aditi and Sagnik were best friends since Sagnik helped her during her eighth standard Math test.
“So, you are coming, yippee I win the match”, she said happily.
“Ya, you won the match”, he smiled too.
Sagnik never thought that Aditi’s birthday party would changed his world completely, he never thought that he would meet a girl who would attract him more than his ‘Ms. A’. He was about to eat his yummy chocolate cake but then suddenly his eyes fell upon a girl who was looking outside the window aimlessly. Though the party was rocking enough yet the beauty of the moon attracted her the most. He couldn’t stop himself from ogling at her, her beauty and her charisma attracted him in every way. He wondered how could a girl be so beautiful and appealing but all of a sudden his guilt knock him down. His commitment towards his ‘Ms. A’ couldn’t be so weak but then once again he was staring at her. All of a sudden there eyes met with each other but then he couldn't stop himself from staring.
“Hi, stupid”, Aditi said.
“What? Are you okay?” she enquired looking at his restlessness.
“Ya, I’m fine. I just ...”
“Anyway, thank you for attending the party”, she said happily and he smiled. All of a sudden Sagnik saw the girl was approaching towards them. His body went numb when he saw her approaching; he tried hard to look away but he couldn’t.
“I’ll be leaving by now, it’s too late Aditi”, she said.
“Oh, thank you for attending the party Anchal”, Aditi replied.
“Happy Birthday to you, once again”, she smiled and then she left.
“Who is she?” Sagnik enquired as soon as she left.
“She is my junior and papa’s friend’s daughter”, she replied.
“Anchal…Anchal…” he thought.
“Well I want to tell you something”, Aditi said.
“I wanted to confess the thing long ago but then I was not so sure about it”, she said and looked away.
“Sagnik, just help me out buddy”, a friend of his poked in.
“Sure”, he said and looked at Aditi and excused himself.
“I wanted to say that I’m in love with a guy but I don’t know his identity”, she mumbled the moment when he left her.
The next day when Sagnik went to school his eyes fell on Anchal, she was standing near the library and once again he was lost in her thought. He tried hard not to look at her but he couldn’t control his eyes, he ordered his mind not to think about her but she was already in his mind. His heart did feel guilty as ‘Ms. A’ popped out quite often yet he couldn’t stop himself from staring at Anchal. All of a sudden Smitha came and hugged him from back; Smitha was also among his best friend list.
“Hi, Lizard”, she shouted.
“You, idiot, you scared me… Stupid Snail…”
“Woo-ooo”, she laughed.
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Well, nothing. Actually I want to know if you are free today, I want you to come along with me for marketing”, she winked at him.
“Well, actually I am bit busy today”, he said and once again his eyes were searching for Anchal.
“You changed a lot Lizard, before you used to listen to me but now-a-days you hardly care”, she said innocently.
“No, I am sorry sweet-heart, please don’t start crying. You know I hate tears especially when some gorgeous girls shed it”, he smiled and pressed her cheeks.
“Aww… why so??? Do you like me?” she asked innocently.
“Yes, I do, after all you are my very good friend”, he said.
“Well, Sagnik, I don’t know whether I should be telling you this or not but umm...mmm… umm… I’m crazily, extremely, truly, passionately in love with you”, she said and closed her eyes and then cupped her face. Sagnik was thunderstruck as he never expected that someday Smitha would propose him. Smitha was very cheerful, fun-loving and open-hearted girl; to be honest she was absolutely different in comparison to Sagnik in every aspect. For a moment he couldn’t realize what to say but then he mustered up courage and held her shoulder firmly.
“Look at me”, he said.
“Cum’ on snail, look up, please.”
“Well, I’m sorry. You are indeed a very good girl, infact one of the wonderful people I met and of course my very close friend.”
“Do you love me?” she enquired.
“No, I don’t but then it doesn’t mean that I don’t like you. I like you very much but I love someone else”, he said. I love Anchal. What? Am I crazy? I love my ‘Ms. A’. Oh! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!
“Who is the girl?”
“I don’t know her identity. I met this girl umm… actually we are e-friends, basically”, he said.
“Yes, we didn’t disclose our identity and I’m very much into her and vice-versa.”
“You never said anything about her, am I the first one to know your secret?”
“Yes, but promise me you are not going to tell this to anyone”, he said firmly.
“Okay, but you should ask her name atleast”, she winked at him.
“I called her by ‘Ms. A’”, he blushed.
“Aww… and you are her…?”
“Oh! Mr. S”, he smiled.
“Okkk… weird love story but then cool, I’m happy for you”, she said.
“I’m sorry snail but…”
“Oh, cum’ on lizard, you know I will be fine”, she giggled.
“I know but still I’m sorry”, he said and tried hard to smile.
“Well, now I got to rush, see you soon”, she said and left. The moment she left, his eyes looked for Anchal; he slapped himself for behaving so foolish.
“What’s wrong with me? Why am I so much attracted to that girl? If ‘Ms. A’ comes to know about it, she will be hurt”, he murmured. He then decided that he should talk to ‘Ms. A’ regarding the feelings he had for Anchal and at the same time he would ask her to meet him so that he could make her understand his situations.
Searchingmyself- hi, I missd u a lot. I hope u were fyn..
Smileforever- ya ofcrse, m f9. U?
Searchingmyself- m f9 2. Well I wan to say sumthng to u, but promise me u wnt misundrstnd me, will trst me..
Smileforever- ofcrse, I trust u. wat is d mattr?
Searchingmyself- wel, I wan to meet u as sun as possible.. plzz..
Smileforever- y? wat’s wrng?
Searchingmyself- nothng wrng. Y? u dnt wana c me?
Smileforever- ofcrse I want to, u dnt knw hw badly I miss u.. bt y al f a suddn u want to meet me?
“How will I confess my feelings regarding Anchal? She will be shattered”, he thought and a tear rolled down his cheeks. But then he took a deep wheeze and decides to tell her everything and then leave the decision on her.
Smileforever- wat happn? U der?
Searchinmyself- yes, I’m der. Well recently I met a gal n my bst buddy’s bday and I cnt get dat gal out f my mnd. Bt I feel sumthng fr u too, trst me.. I want to prove dat… I luv u… bt..
Smileforever- oh! I shuld hv guess dat, I m sorriee.. bt if u luv her, u r fre to go coz I thnk sumday it has to end sumway or d othr.
Searchinmyself- plz dnt say al dos stuffs, I do feel sumthng for u bt den I cnt help it.. m feln vry guilty dat I hv cheatd u..
Smileforever- no u hvnt, its ok…
Searchingmyslef- plz meet me 1nce, plz..
Smileforever- bt its of no use, bettr v depart. I would 4gt evrythng sun dat I hd faln 4a guy whum I nvr met n I guess it wuld be easy.. bt if v meet, I would bcum weak.
Searchingmyself- no u jus cnt lev me lyk dis, I knw m wrng bt plz, gv me 1 chnce to xpln u. m nt lyn, I realy luv u.. plzz meet me.
Smileforever- ok, dis Friday at the park, near d station at 5pm… Bye.
After that she went offline and Sagnik cupped his face and sobbed all the night long. He was feeling very guilty of his deed but he felt something for ‘Ms. A’ and his feelings were indeed true. On the other hand Smitha was almost shattered as she was madly in love with Sagnik the very first day she met him. She was almost trying to convince her when Aditi rang her up and started crying over the phone. Smitha got worried what went wrong; she somehow managed herself and answered her call.
“What’s wrong with you?” Smitha enquired.
“I don’t know how to say this but I can’t take the pain anymore. I have never said the thing to any of my friends because I wasn’t sure about anything”, she continued sobbing.
“Why are you weeping? What’s the matter? Calm down sweetheart, take a deep breath and then tell me the matter.”
“Well, I met this guy on internet a year ago and we become very to close each-other, basically we had fallen for each other and now there were some problems and I can’t take it anymore”, she said and continued weeping.
“What? What are you talking about?”
“I love him like I never loved anyone, I trusted him and…”
“Hold on, hold on a second. You love this internet guy whom you never met…”
“Yup, but now things are getting complicated and I’m worried that it won’t last”, she sobbed.
For an instance Smitha couldn’t relate her words as her mind thought of the story what Sagnik told her when she proposed him. Soon she realized that two of her very close friends were in love with each-other without their knowledge. She was totally devastated and stunned; she could hardly speak anything but then she somehow managed her tears and comforted her.
“Thank you Smitha, for always being there but I got one more request”, Aditi said.
“Don’t share this thing with anyone not even Sagnik…”
“Why? He is your close friend, umm…more like a best friend, then why not?”
“Well, I know but I’m not sure about the relationship and once it is official I, myself would let him know”, she said.
“Okay, your wish”, she replied.
“Infact I was about to meet the internet guy on Friday, till then don’t disclose the matter”, she pleaded.
“Ya, I won’t”, she said and a tear skipped from the corner of her right eye. It was indeed very difficult for her to absorb the veracity and control her emotions. She disconnected the phone and buried herself in the pillow and cried her heart loud, later without her knowledge she fall asleep. The next day when Sagnik went to school he was indeed upset for what happen the previous night, his guiltiness was increasing every moment. All of a sudden his eyes met with Anchal, she was sitting at a distance from him. She came towards him and sat beside him, once again he couldn’t stop himself from staring at her. Her eyes were full of innocence and so attractive; her lips were pink and glossy; her skin wasn’t that fair yet she looked so pleasant, he just lost himself in her eyes.
“You are… crying???”
“No, I… nothing..g”, Sagnik stammered. He never thought she would approach him, it was indeed unexpected.
“What about the tear?” she pointed towards his eyes which were seemed to be restless.
“I’m fine, girl-friend problem”, he said but then he thought, was that necessary for him to discuss the matter with her as she herself was the problem.
“Oh! Well I too had some problem and yesterday I was crying a lot as I couldn’t endure the pain but then I realized I should have faith on my love”, she said and smiled.
“I do have faith on her but no more on myself, I am not worth her.”
“Who are you to decide? Let her decide whether u deserve her or not.”
“You are very good”, he said and smiled. She is committed, but why am I feeling so bad. Shut up!
“I know”, she giggled. They talked for a while and then she excused herself. He smiled and all of a sudden his guilt vanished somewhere. He determined himself that on meeting ‘Ms. A’ he would let her know everything and then would let her decide the rest. He realized that his feelings for her were true but on other hand he did feel something for Anchal.
“Hi”, Smitha said. Sagnik look around and saw her smiling at her. Smitha was ignoring Sagnik after she proposed him though she never let Sagnik realized about it; but she couldn’t make her silly heart understand any longer and went straight upto him.
“Oh! Hi…”
“No, why???”
“Your eyes were swollen and they are red too, so don’t lie”, she said.
“Actually I’m restless, I was about to meet ‘Ms. A’ this Friday”, he said and looked away.
“Great”, she said and tried hard to smile. Finally they are about to meet, I should control myself. He isn’t mine, he belongs to Aditi.
“How are you?” he enquired.
“I’m fine, but why I am getting a feeling that you aren’t happy”, she said.
“Actually I had an issue with ‘Ms. A’ and everything is so messed up and I don’t know what will I say when I’ll meet her”, he hung his head.
“Everything will be fine”, she said. He seemed to be so restless, shall I tell him that Aditi is the girl he was about to meet. His ‘Ms. A’ is no one but his best friend… uff!! CONTROL…
Finally on Friday Sagnik got ready and he was indeed very restless. He couldn’t sleep the whole night, he was waiting for her to come online but she didn’t show up. He was freaking out every moment; she was indeed very special to him. He reached the park beforehand; he didn’t want her to keep waiting for him. He sat under the tree and was thinking about her, how was he going to face her? Would she give him one more chance? What if she refused to continue the friendship? All sort of questions were bubbling in his mind and he was convincing himself throughout. All of a sudden his cell started ringing but before he could receive, the call was a missed call. He looked at the screen it was Smitha’s call and he couldn’t even call back as his cell phone was about to get discharged.
“Hi”, a familiar voice said. He was about to turn back but before he could, she spoke once again. “Don’t face me please, let us discuss first. I’m petrified.”
“Okay, I won’t face you but I am really sorry. Well how did you recognize me?” he enquired.
“I don’t know, I just saw a guy sitting alone and I thought it to be you”, she answered.
“Pumpkin, listen, all I want to say is I really feel something for you. When we used to chat, I felt very blessed, I never meant to hurt your feelings; my feelings for you are indeed true. But then a couple of weeks ago I went to my friend’s birthday party and I met this girl, her name is Anchal. She was looking outside the window and I couldn’t stop myself from goggling at her, she isn’t that attractive but I saw your reflection in her and hence…”
A text message flashed on his mobile and it was Smitha again, after reading the text he was thunderstruck.
I’m sorrie, but I got to tell u, ur ms. A s no1 oder dan Aditi. I know I shuld hv told u earlier but she reqstd me not to disclose it 2u… n c herself gt no knowledge dat u r her internet guy. I want both of u to b happy, jus slove al ur probs n stay hapy, all d best. U r lucky enough to gt ur best frnd as ur gf.. m sorrie.
He couldn’t believe his eyes, his heart beat got increased and his mouth got dried. Since a year he was chatting with his best friend and he couldn’t even guess that it was Aditi.  Not in his wildest dreams he thought that Aditi would be his ‘Ms. A’. He went all impatient and turned around and his eyes popped-out.
“Aditi”, he said. The moment she turned back, he shouted, “You???”
“I’m sorry guys, I got to take up the call”, Bidya said and excused herself.
“Oh, my God, what was the feeling when you saw her infront of you… I mean what was her reaction, did she forgive you? What about Smitha, Anchal?” Dipanita enquired and her excitement got no limits. He just smiled and looked outside the window.
“What will you expect?”
“She might have cried, poor girl. Well I won’t blame you for anything truly; I completely agree that a person can love two persons at a time. I know it’s weird but I think so, because I have seen someone like that”, she said and a tear rolled down her cheeks.
“Hey, don’t cry. Well till she returned, you tell me about your story”, Sagnik requested.
“My story???”
“Yes, ofcourse”, he said.
“Well my story is not at all interesting, it’s quite boring.”
“I won’t mind listening to your story, I would love to listen.”
“Rajiv Mukerjee, my best friend, I’m crazily in love with him. Actually he was my best friend, now we are no more in contact. I met him in one of my tuition but he never attracted me at his first sight. We became friends later and then rest as you can guess”, she smiled.
“Oh, same theme”, he giggled.
“No, it’s quite different. She loved you but he never loved me, one of his friend said I was just his time interest.”
“Actually, I never believed that, he wasn’t that kind of a boy, actually it was not his friend, he himself told me…”
“Time-out, time- out, what did you say? I couldn’t get you”, he said.
“Well, it’s quite complicated. In short, he used to love a girl but she left him and then we became best friends, later I proposed him and he accepted my proposal. But then he realized he can never love me as he still feels for her ex… that’s it.”
“Oh! Then why he accepted your proposal, he should have approached the girl instead of being with you for time being.”
“Actually, he can never approach the girl anymore”, she said.
“OH! Why? Did she just move on? I think he should do the same.”
“The girl was DEAD, she left him forever”, she said and that time she couldn’t control herself any longer. “He loved her truly, his only love, I was just his good friend.”
“Oh! I'm so sorry...”
“Well, to know her story, you should read the book she wrote”, Bidya poked in.
“Ya, his birthday is approaching and she promised him that she will write about them and gift him. She did write a book...umm... soft copy”, Bidya giggled.
“But, I am not going to give him, I don’t want to kill him more”, Dipanita replied.
“Cum’ on, are you kidding? What about publishing the book?” Sagnik quizzed.
“No, I don’t want to publish it and no more questions, please”, she requested.

                                                                                                 TO BE CONTINUED… J