Friday, August 22, 2014

Journey from Love to Happiness

 Aman: “Are you ever going to send this courier?”
Aarushi: “What courier?”
Aman: “This one”... He showed the envelope.
Aarushi: “From where did you get that?”
Aman: “From the same place where you have kept it...”
Aarushi: “Oh!” #she looked away; he could sense her feeling guilty, he walked towards her and hugged her#
Aman: “You don’t have to feel guilty about it. I have known about the envelope years back but never opened it, so relax.”
Aarushi: “I’m sorry Aman...”
Aman: “You don’t have to be baby. I’ve lived the best years of my life with you and I’m thankful that you have decided to spend the rest of your life with me.” #He kissed her fore-head#
Aarushi: “I think I’ve made the right decision, years back”, she giggled.
Aman: “Happy Anniversary!”
Aarushi: “Happy Anniversary!” #she kissed his cheeks#
Aman: “May I ask you something, if you don’t mind?”
Aarushi: “Yup!”
Aman: “Tell me the truth, how do you make world’s best maggi? What is the secret ingredient?”  #he chuckled#
Aarushi: “What??? You are so...”
Aman: “Sexy??”
Aarushi: “Good!” #she put her arms around him# “I thought you will ask about the envelope.”
Aman: “Honestly, I want to open it and read it, not to know what you wrote to him but to know how much you feel for him.”
Aarushi: “Why didn’t you open it then?”
Aman: “Because, it belongs to him and he should be the one reading it, not me. I already got something he can never have.” #he smiled#
Aarushi: “What?”
Aman: “You!” #he kissed her lips#
Aarushi: “Aman...” #speechless#
Aman: “You don’t have to say anything, not today or any other day. Only tell me one thing, why didn’t you send it to Hardik?”
Aarushi: “I did, but he wasn’t there to receive it and it came back to me. I didn’t want to tear it or resend it, so I kept it with me. And now I feel guilty. Will you be able to forgive me?”
Aman: “Forgiveness? I’m not here to judge you or ask you anything? I’m here to love you everyday; I’m here to create more memories to our happy life. I don’t do it because it’s a duty to love your partner; I do it because I know you deserve it.”
Aarushi: “Aman...”
Aman: “Rushi(he used to call her ‘rushi’), years back we both agreed that we won’t talk about Hardik and we didn’t, till today. I don’t want you to feel guilty about the envelope, nor am I going to blame you for loving him. Yes, I know you still love him and miss him, but honestly it doesn’t matter to me. Infact, it never did matter to me, nor it will ever bother me; because all that matter to me is ‘US’. I just wanted to know whether you ever tried to send this envelope or not.”
Aarushi: “I love him, Aman, I really do and I know it’s so wrong to love another man but I can’t stop this feeling. And with this truth, there comes one more truth, I’m so HAPPY with you Aman. I have never been so happier in my life, all these years I’ve laughed like I’ve never laughed before. I feel contented, I feel free. Everytime when I look at you, I thank God that you and I ended up with eachother. I thank Hardik for not loving me back, because if he would have loved me back then I couldn’t be as happy as I am now. I’m sorry for being so selfish.”
Aman: “No baby, you don’t have to apologize for anything. I’ve known about Hardik from the beginning and I’ve accepted it. Infact, thank God I’m not the guy you love, instead I’m the guy with whom you are happy. People say love is selfless, but people act selfish in love. People also say not to expect anything in love or one never complains when they are in love but they do demand or never stop complaining to eachother. But in case of being happy, you are already too happy to behave selfish or to demand or to complain. So instead of loving someone, I feel it’s important to find out that one person who can make you happy. I know what Hardik had lost and I’ve gained so if loving me gives me Hardik’s fortune than I’m better of not being loved. Before meeting you, I never had the chance to fall in love with anyone and when I met you I just couldn’t let you go. It was not that I was madly in love with you, but when we started dating I was happy; and then I realized that I was going to be happy thereafter. Every morning when I wake up, I see you smiling at me and offering me a cup of tea and I know I’m the reason behind your smile. I’m the lucky man. We might not be eachother’s epic love but definitely we are happier couple than the lovey-dovey ones’, so I would rather be happy than to be loved.”
Aarushi: “You always make me go speechless!” #Tears rolled down her cheeks; he kissed them.”
Aman: “It’s because I’m too good baby”, he chuckled.
Aarushi: “Yaa, you are”, she smiled.
Aman: “I love you baby and I’m damn happy with you!” #he winked and they kissed#
Aarushi: “I know!” #the kissed again#

BE HAPPY, b'coz u deserve it!!! :)

#Shouldn't we hold out for the person who doesn't just tolerate our little quirks but actually kinda likes them?#